
Q4. How many addresses on the MATIC network are active?

What’s the daily evolution of active addresses? Is the activeness related some how to the price?

Hint: Active address is an address that has done at least one transaction or has received at least once a token in the past 3 months.


The objective of this are:

What is MATIC?

MATIC, Polygon's native cryptocurrency, is used to pay fees on the Polygon network, as well as for staking and governance (which means that MATIC holders get to vote on changes to Polygon). Additionally, MATIC may be purchased and sold using Coinbase and other exchanges. The origin of the moniker MATIC dates back to an early phase of Polygon's development. After starting as Matic Network in October 2017, the company changed its name to Polygon in early 2021.


MATIC’s active wallet addresses.

The above visualization shows number of MATIC active wallet addresses per day.

We can see that in March, the number of active wallet addresses are between 300k-500k active wallets per day.

Later in May, the number of active wallets dropped to below 300k.